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103016 Ozone Generator UV Light Coleman Balboa

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Balboa Coleman ozone generator UV light 103016 is a discontinued Coleman part that can be replaced by 110329-uo3 which is universal voltage and can operate at either 120V or 240V .

This 103016 has been discontinued. 

Another replacement option is 110249 for Maax/Coleman spas, or just use the factory recommended replacement ozonator 110329 as per above.


This ultra-violet light ozonator comes with cord.

Also used in Vita Spas and by other hot tub manufacturers.

About UV

uvlight disinfectionGermicidal ultraviolet (UVC) light kills cells by damaging their DNA. The light initiates a reaction between two molecules of thymine, one of the bases that make up DNA. The resulting thymine dimer is very stable, but repair of this kind of DNA damage–usually by excising or removing the two bases and filling in the gaps with new nucleotides–is fairly efficient. Even so, it breaks down when the damage is extensive.

The longer the exposure to UVC light, the more thymine dimers are formed in the DNA and the greater the risk of an incorrect repair or a “missed” dimer. If cellular processes are disrupted because of an incorrect repair or remaining damage, the cell cannot carry out its normal functions. If the damage is extensive and widespread, the cell will die.

What is germicidal UV?

This is UV of a specific type (253.7nm wavelength) known to kill airborne germs that transmit some infections from person to person within buildings. Germicidal UV is aimed at the upper room air so that only airborne microbes are directly exposed. Room occupants are exposed only to low levels of reflected UV – levels below that known to cause eye irritation. Germicidal UV has been used safely and effectively in hospitals, clinics and laboratories for more than 60 years. UV does not prevent transmission of infections (e.g. colds) by direct person to person contact.

Is UV harmful?

We are all exposed to the UV in sunlight. UV exposure can be very harmful, or harmless, depending on the type of UV, the type of exposure, the duration of exposure, and individual differences in response to UV. There are three types of UV:


UV-A – Long wave UV, also known as “black light”, the major type of UV in sunlight, responsible for skin tanning, generally not harmful, used in medicine to treat certain skin disorders.


UV-B – A small, but dangerous part of sunlight. Most solar UV-B is absorbed by the diminishing atmospheric ozone layer. Prolonged exposure is responsible for some type of skin cancer, skin aging, and cataracts (clouding of the lens of the eye).


UV-C – Also known as “short wave” UV, includes germicidal (253.7nm wavelength) UV used for air and water disinfection. Unintentional overexposure causes transient redness and eye irritation, but does NOT cause skin cancer or cataracts.

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