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Alkalinity UP Increaser 2LB Spa Choice 47234021

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  • Alkalinity UP Increaser 2LB Spa Choice 47234021 (47234021)
  • Alkalinity UP Increaser 47234021
Now: $14.77
RRP: $16.95


Alkalinity UP alkalinity increaser for hot tub spas.  2LB container by Spa Choice.

Replaces Spa Breeze and other brand alkalinity increaser and is ideal for use in hot tubs.

Alkalinity Up raises the alkalinity of your hot tub water.

Increases the alkalinity of the hot tub water, which is critical to control pH levels and prevent equipment corrosion.  A range of 100-150 ppm should be maintained at all times.

Follow directions on the container.

Alkalinity is raised with Alkalinity Plus and can be reduced with ph Down.

Hot tub chemicals only ship within the continental U.S.A.



What is Total Alkalinity?
Total Alkalinity is one of the least understood yet most important component of keeping water chemistry in a hot tub balance.

Total Alkalinity (TA) is the buffer of pH in a hot tub.  This means if this measure is out of line, the pH readings may be off and pH may fluctuate more wildly, causing problems getting pH to balance in the 7.2-7.6 range.

Total Alkalinity readings should be between 80-120 parts per million (ppm).

Note that pH minus will lower the total alkalinity as well.

Side effects of Total Alkalinity out of balance

If TA is too high, then the sanitizer has to work harder, skin and eye irritation can occur, cloudy water and scale can form and the pH will be hard to control.

If TA is too low, then quick changes in the pH level can occur, corrosion and damage to seals and equipment are possible and skin/eye irritation can occur under acidic conditions.


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