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Barbecue Sets & Accessories

Barbecue Sets & Accessories

Barbecue Sets & Accessories

Hot Tub Outpost carries outdoor grills, barbecue sets and accessories for gourmet style outdoor living.  Want to up your culinary game?  Find charcoal smokers, electric smokers, propane pizza ovens and more.  All orders over $95 ship free within the continental USA.

We also carry grilling accessories, like a digital long range BBQ monitor, 2-in-1 fire starter and the Rapidfire chimney starter for charcoal briquettes.

  • Charcoal smoker inside look for outdoor use

    Charcoal Smoker Verticle - Hot Tub Outpost

    DISCONTINUED Charcoal verticle BBQ grill and smoker Perfect for an outdoor kitchen or patio, this charcoal burning unit can be used as a grill or smoker.  The clever space saving design gives you more flexibility for your bar-b-q cookout.  The...
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  • Propane Pizza Oven

    Propane Pizza Oven Backyard Patio Outdoor

    Item unavailable Gourmet Outdoor Pizza Oven If you love pizza and the outdoors, then this is the perfect addition for your backyard.  Making your own delicious pizza right at home is a breeze with this high quality pizza oven.  It runs on...
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  • Propane powered smoker and grill

    Propane Smoker Verticle - Hot Tub Outpost

    Item unavailable Item currently unavailable Here is the perfect gift for any backyard chef.  This quality unit will fit right in your outdoor kitchen or on your patio.  It's flexible design allows you to use it as a gas grill or as a smoker...
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  • Masterbuilt Digital Smoker

    30 Inch Electric Digital Smoker - Masterbuilt 20070910

    Currently unavailble This 30 inch digital electric Smoke House by Masterbuilt will get you that great smoked taste. Smoke pork, fish, chicken, sausages and other meats effortlessly.  Smoke at about 1 hr./lb. for pork.  Make delicious pork...
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  • charcoal briquette heater Rapidfire Weber

    Rapidfire Chimney Starter Weber 7416 Charcoal

    Currently unavailable. Let your charcoal heating up fast this summer with a Rapidfire starter. The Weber 7416 Rapidfire Chimney Starter is a #1 best seller with thousands of positive reviews. This chimney starter system lights charcal briquettes...
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