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Master Spa Pack X300771 BP Balboa Control System with Heater

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Master Spa Pack is discontinued see/compare X300732

Master Spa MS50U spa pack used to replace MS35 (X300779)
Overall dimensions are 10.56" Tall x 15" Wide x 4.80" Deep

BP Spa Pack

56510 replacement

BP501G1 convertible 1kw or 4kw, pump 1 (2-speed), blower/pump2 (1-speed) with amp receptacles.
Does not include cords or topside control panel - sold separately if needed.


open bp spa pack
Master Spas MS50U (setup nr. 1)

Note if using this spa pack to replace the discontinued X300791 or MS30U, then additional plumbing may be required.

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Warranty Information

Manufacturer's Limited Warranty
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