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Pool Winterizing Kit, 30,000 Gallons

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Now: $59.50
RRP: $67.99


Winterizing kit for closing larger pools up to 30,000 gallons.

• Winter Refresh 1lb. x2
• Winter Klear 1 Qt.
• Last Step 1 Qt.
• Instruction Manual


Do not winterize pool until water is properly balanced and is clear of all algae growth, dirt and leaves.

1. Stop chlorination 24 hours prior to winterization.

2. Pour entire bottle of winter algaecide into pool making sure product is evenly distributed around entire pool.

3. Pour entire bottle of stain and scale preventative into pool making sure product is evenly distributed.

4. If possible, allow pump to circulate for at least one hour to ensure that the above chemicals disperse evenly.

5. Lower water and rain lines, pump, filter and heater of all water according to manufacturer's instructions. If you use pool anti-freeze, add it to your plumbing at this time.

6. This kit contains a blue floater with a foam collar: Place floatation collar under the largest diameter. Punch hole #2 and exit hole on opposite side of bottle. Also punch out any 4 holes on bottom of the cannister. Place cartridge in the pool with the smallest diameter down allowing water to enter. DO NOT THROW IN POOL.

7. Cover pool with solid cover. (For safety covers, like mesh, an additional bottle of winterizing algecide must be added to the pool in early March.

8. If spring is unusually warm, it is desirable to lift up one end of cover and look for signs of algae growth. If detected, an additional dose of winterizing algaecide should be added.

9. In spring remove cover, reconnect all plumbing, raise water and remove and discard winterizing cartridge.

Note: Ingredients in this kit will only be effective through mid May. Thereafter, a regular pool care maintenance program must be started.

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