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RD 3 3/8 Inch Quantum Jet Directional RD203-3717S Smooth Stainless Gray Threaded

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  • RD 3 3/8 Inch Quantum Jet Directional Smooth Stainless Steel Gray Threaded
  • Directional RD203-3717S Smooth Stainless Gray Threaded


DISCONTINUED - see twin roto jet RD203-3427S  or directional RD203-3710-S09


RD203-3717S is a directional, smooth stainless steel and gray center Rising Dragon Quantum jet insert.  This jet has a 3 3/8 inch diameter face and is smooth style in stainless steel trim with gray center nozzle.

Threaded type jet that screws into jet body.  Has 3 3/8 inch jet face and 1 1/2 inch base diameter. The diffuser is 3 1/4 inches long.

We also offer the 3 inch Quantum jet body, body nut and jet gasket for this jet as needed.

We also offer this jet insert size in the twin roto style with the black center RD203-3421S.  Need a gray center? We have those too in  twin roto with gray center RD203-3427S.

This jet type is found in Morgan Spas and other brand hot tubs. Rising Dragon Quantum jet internal with Thread-In diffuser.
Stainless Steel and Gray, 3-3/8" Smooth face with Directional style internal and also has adjustable on/off control.

rising dragon quantum jets


Rising Dragon Quantum 3 Inch Jet body parts:

RD jet body RD203-3001

RD jet body nut RD201-3021 - 3 inch jet body nut.

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