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Spa Frog 200g Bromine Cartridge Green 6-Pack In-Line Cartridge Case

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Now: $146.77
RRP: $188.78


Money Saving 6-pack of GREEN 200 gram XL Frog bromine cartridges. These 200g bromine units hold more than the standard 150g containers.

Stock up and save with the best price and get free shipping on all orders over $95.  This item contains 6x 200g replacement bromine cartridges for the Frog System.

Need the Frog blue mineral cartridge or test strips (Frog bromine test strips)?  Combine and get free shipping in the continental USA.


frog bromine green 200g cartridgesThe Frog bromine and mineral spa water purification system is easy to use.  These six Green 200g containers replace the bromine cartridge in Emerald Spas, Great Lakes spas and other brand hot tubs that use the Frog in-line mineral system.

These cartridges are easy to replace.  The bromine cartridge is green, like a frog, which provides more sanitizer than the regular yellow cartridge that has only 150g in the same size container.

This item is ideal for use in the in-line Frog feeder systems installed in Emerald, Great Lakes and by other brand hot tubs.

200 gram container of bromine for the Emerald Spas - Spa Frog In-Line bromine and mineral system

Note that the physical size of the yellow, green and purple cartridges are the same, only the yellow has 150 grams of bromine while the green/purple has 200 grams of bromine. They all 3 fit in the same Frog mineral/bromine system.

Less worry with the in-line Frog system that uses a mineral cartridge and this 200g XL green bromine cartridge. The system can reduce bromine use in hot tubs up to 50% and create a more fun spa environment. 

This 200 gram bromine cartridge lasts longer than its smaller 150 gram cousin, so spa maintenance is further reduced with longer intervals before needing to change the sanitizer cartridge.

Frog Yellow - Frog Green - Frog Purple - Those are Pretty Colors, What's the Difference?

If you order the yellow 150g cartridge, you will receive the yellow one.  If you order the green or purple 200g cartridge, you will receive our green cartridge to match your "Frog" system.  So basically, if you need 150 grams of bromine, get the yellow one, if you need this larger 200g green container of Frog bromine, order this one and go longer before needing to replace your in-line or floating Frog cartridge system.

teststrips frog greenNeed Frog bromine test strips? We've got those too.

Add a MINERAL CARTRIDGE to this bundle and get free shipping.

Frog Mineral systems are made up of the FROG minerals silver chloride and carbonate used with 1.0 ppm bromine. The SPA FROG mineral cartridge must be used along with the Bromine Cartridge (EPA Reg No. 53735-10) in an EPA registered bromine delivery device such as the in-line feeder system by FROG.

The Frog In-Line system is used by Emerald Spa, Caldera Spas, Leisure Bay spas, Marquis Spas, Morgan Spas, Pacific Hot Tubs, Saratoga Spas and in the Watkins Hot Spot.

Frog is made by King Technology Inc.

frog systems

 Setting the bromine cartridge level

Start out with the settings as recommended in the instructions (included) and monitor bromine levels daily or before each use with Frog test strips until a 1.0-2.0 ppm level has been reached.

To adjust the cartridge, remove it from the system and turn/twist adjustment cap to the next level. Replace when empty. The basic 150g bromine cartridge lasts 2-4 weeks, but this 200 gram one will last 25% longer!

Get a deal on this six-pack today including FREE shipping for a limited time.

 Hot Tub chemicals can only be shipped within the continental USA.

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