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Waterway Directional Jet Large Smooth Stainless Steel Gray 229-8161S

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directional jet steady flowDISCONTINUED, see roto jet 229-8141S or the generic directional jet 212-8059-STS

Waterway Directional Jet Large Smooth stainless steel gray 229-8161S - Waterway Directional Smooth stainless steel Face Internal (Large Face - 4")

Directional, large, smooth, stainless steel - gray. Poly storm jet internals, 5/16" nozzle, 10gpm @ 10psi available in additional colors or metal finish. Jet internals are 3-3/8" dia. & 4" dia. for large face. All internals shown below are the small face type unless specifically indicated. This is the Jet Internal, Waterway Poly Storm with Thread-In diffuser. Stainless Steel and Black, 4" Smooth face, with Directional style internal and Adjustable on/off control. The thread-in type insert has 5/8" nozzle diameter and is 4 5/16" long with Diffuser opening type 7 and 3 7/16" diffuser length.

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